European 50+ IC (Innovative Coaching) project

The main objective of the European 50+ IC project is to create innovative ways of supporting people aged 50+, by analyzing their professional skills and work motivation, and searching for alternatives to redefine their professional career.

Training Manual 50+IC

The main result of the project is the development of the training 50+ Innovative Coaching. The objective of the training is to give the necessary information, tools and methods to become a...

Research report 50+ Innovative Coaching

The results of the desk researches and the results of the interviews were summarized by  pro mente OÖ in order to create this report.
Research report 50+ Innovative Coaching - Download

IC50+ Coach Qualification Matrix

One of the outcomes of the project has been the development of a systematized definition of the coach qualification profile, the ECVET matrix for IC50+ with a focus on innovative coaching of the target group. (Continue)


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