European 50+ IC (Innovative Coaching) project

The main objective of the European 50+ IC project is to create innovative ways of supporting people aged 50+, by analyzing their professional skills and work motivation, and searching for alternatives to redefine their professional career.


50plus Call: 2012

Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation

Project title: 50+ innovative coaching

Project acronym: 50+ IC

Coordinator: Levanto vzw, Anwerpen, Belgium


The preservation and strengthening of the employment standards of people aged 50+, is a topic of great interest at EU level because of the progressive ageing of the population and the radical changes on the labour market.

At a time of general economic recession, Europe looks to SMEs  to become more innovative and competitive. Therefore increasing employment of 50+ workers is a priority. We have to take up a path of empowerment, in order to update competences and improve motivation to reach the objectives foreseen by the Europa 2020 Strategy and the New Skills for New Jobs policy “to provide job opportunities for all and create a more competitive and sustainable economy”.

This project’s main aim is to transfer into SMEs innovative methods and skills that will support the 50+ workers in redefining their professional career, leading to an increased motivation to work longer.

Our innovation is the development of a corporate coaching training. The training enables future coaches to support experienced employees in the improvement of their learning competences to design, implement and support a plan for increasing employability.

We test and adapt the model in the following countries that, among the others, have experienced the crises and the expulsion of older workers from the labour markets: Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Romania and Austria. We compare experiences and results from different countries and develop best practices in order to put in practice a European model suitable to ECVET system, in order to promote transparency and recognition of Learning Outcomes. This result will be guaranteed thanks to the longtime experience in evaluation and validation of ECVET systems by the Norwegian partner.

The partnership will produce a manual about the tools which will be spread to the competent Institution and to other VET providers and stakeholders in order to disseminate the project results.


The consortium

The consortium comes from two LLP contact seminars, in Prague and Oslo. The partners are organisations and VET providers active in SMEs training, coaching and counselling. We also have an organisation expert in certification and ECVET procedures. The value of the consortium consist of the synergies between organisations that all work with SMEs, focusing on different target groups and having complementary methodologies. From a regional point of view the consortium consists of countries both from north, eastern, west and south Europe thus representing very different contexts of 50+ employment.

A more detailed presentation of the organisations can be found under:



The European added value is threefold:

1. thanks to the diversity of countries that participate, the partners will get a clearer view on the employment situations of 50+ in the different countries and the underlying reasons. This will contribute to a richer offer in solutions while coaching 50+ persons.

2. some partners work with very different target groups which will contribute to come to a more generic training package which will be applicable to a wider range of situations.

3. there is the facilitation of the transfer, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes with the goal of obtaining a qualification within a learning and training area. This will be done irrespective of borders or national systems. This is following the Recommendation of the European Parliament and Council adopted 18th June 2009 on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training. We wish the project becomes an example of best practice in order to implement and spread the ECVET across Europe.


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